HVCA Investment Conference 2024

24 September, Budapest Music Center, Budapest

Dr. Judit Budai

Dr. Judit Budai is a co-managing partner at Szecskay Law Firm. Throughout her 30-year legal practice, she has gained extensive experience in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, capital market transactions, as well as competition law and regulatory matters across various industrial, agricultural, and service sectors. Judit has participated in numerous privatization transactions, as well as private acquisitions and follow-on financing transactions executed by strategic or financial investors, including public offerings combined with stock exchange listings (representing sellers, buyers, or target companies) as a member or leader of the advisory team. Currently, Judit primarily advises on private M&A transactions, focusing mainly on foreign strategic or private equity investors, and provides legal advice on complex corporate ownership and governance issues for innovative startups. She has been an active participant in HVCA (Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association) since its inception, mainly through the education and legal committees, and is currently a board member of the association and the chair of the Legal Committee.